Forty-five seconds is 45/60 of a minute. If you divide the numerator and the denominator by 15, what will you have? It is equal to 3/4 of a minute, or in the decimal form, it is 0.75 minutes. Fraction and decimal forms are equivalent answers. ...
Decimal Precision : CONVERT : between other flow rate measuring units - complete list.How many milliliters per hour are in 1 Liter per minute? The answer is: 1 L/min equals 60,000.00 mL/h60,000.00 mL/h is converted to 1 of what?
Note: Integers (numbers without a decimal period or exponent notation) are considered accurate up to 15 digits and the maximum number of digits after the decimal point is 10. In this calculator, E notation is used to represent numbers that are too small or too large. E notation is an ...
Decametre to Metre Calculator Decimal to Fraction Calculator Feet to Centimeter Calculator Gallons to Liters Calculator Hectare to Acre Calculator Inch to Feet Calculator Kilometre to Mile Calculator LBS to KG Converter Meter to Feet Calculator Metre to Inch Calculator Metre to Kilometre Calculator Metre...
If the decimal is obtained by dividing the given number by 60 seconds, then convert it back into sec by multiplying with 60. This decimal denotes the number of seconds left. For example, converting 7600 seconds in minutes gives: 7600/ 60 = 126.6 min ...
Finally choose the unit you want the value to be converted to, in this case 'Liter per minute [l/min]'. Then, when the result appears, there is still the possibility of rounding it to a specific number of decimal places, whenever it makes sense to do so. Utilize...
Decimal Precision : CONVERT : between other flow rate measuring units - complete list.How many pounds (water mass) per second are in 1 gallon US per minute? The answer is: 1 gal/min equals 0.14 lb/sec0.14 lb/sec is converted to 1 of what?
Enter a New kilocalorie per minute Amount to Convert From * Whole number, decimal or fraction ie: 6, 5.33, 17 3/8 * Precision is how many digits after decimal point 1 - 9Enter Amount : Decimal Precision : Convert kilocalorie per minute (kcal/min) versus kilowatts (kW) in ...
* Calculate time spent asleep with decimal places. COMPUTE SleepMilitaryTime = 0. COMPUTE WakeMilitaryTime = 0. COMPUTE SleepDuration = 0. * Convert sleep time to military time. IF (SleepAM_PM = "PM" & SleepHour < 12) SleepMilitaryTime = (SleepHour + 12) * 100 + SleepMinute. ...
To solve the problem, we need to determine how many seconds Brian spent doing sit-ups during his 12-minute exercise session, where he spent 35% of that time on sit-ups.1. Convert minutes to seconds: - We know that 1 minute i