: one of several ancient and medieval writing styles developed from cursive and having simplified and small forms b : a letter in this style Did you know? Minuscule comes from the Latin adjective minusculus ("somewhat smaller" or "fairly small"), which in turn pairs the base of minus (...
Minuscule,from Latinminusmeaning “less,” has frequently come to be spelledminiscule,perhaps under the influence of the prefixmini-in the sense “of a small size.” Although this newer spelling is criticized by many, it occurs with such frequency in edited writing that some consider it a vari...
Define minuscule. minuscule synonyms, minuscule pronunciation, minuscule translation, English dictionary definition of minuscule. also min·is·cule adj. 1. Very small; tiny. See Synonyms at small. 2. Of, relating to, or written in minuscule. n. 1. A sma
Minuscule,from Latinminusmeaning "less,'' has frequently come to be spelledminiscule,perhaps under the influence of the prefixmini-in the sense "of a small size.'' Although this newer spelling is criticized by many, it occurs with such frequency in edited writing that some consider it a vari...
Give your writing extra polish Grammarly helps you communicate confidently Write with Grammarly First, let’s look for a definition. One dictionary defines minuscule as very small. Therefore, you can rest assured that minuscule is a legitimate spelling. Here are a few examples in print: We all...
Define Minuscules. Minuscules synonyms, Minuscules pronunciation, Minuscules translation, English dictionary definition of Minuscules. also min·is·cule adj. 1. Very small; tiny. See Synonyms at small. 2. Of, relating to, or written in minuscule. n. 1.
Give your writing extra polish Grammarly helps you communicate confidently Write with Grammarly First, let’s look for a definition. One dictionary defines minuscule as very small. Therefore, you can rest assured that minuscule is a legitimate spelling. Here are a few examples in print: We all...