"The Minuet in G major is a keyboard piece included in the Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach and often attributed to Johann Sebastian Bach, but it is now usually attributed to Christian Petzold. However, even today it is still quite unknown who composed this piece, partly because it was copi...
subscription at any time if you do not wish to make any further payments. Paypal users should cancel from within their Paypal account. If you pay by card you can cancel directly from your 8notes account. Simply click on the account menu and then the Subscriptions tab and look for the ...
C大调小步舞曲 Minuet in C with Tab(莫扎特 古典吉他).pdf阅读:1次|页数:4页|上传:2023-09-18 11:00 古典吉他名曲精选系列 WolfgangAmadeusMozart(1756–1791) VIP SHEETMUSIC WITHTABS CLASSICALGUITAR TRANSCRIPTIONS MinuetinC WolfgangAmadeusMozart(1756–1791) Standardtuning =140 1/1 Moderately 123 456 1...
Minuet In DGuitar Dropped D Tuning(1) = E(2) = B(3) = G(4) = D(5) = A(6) = D = 60 1 2 3 4 5 5021077557 9971097101079 1007708897 708577857 77900870042 Track 1 6 7 8 9 10 11 22002002342 0022203 34040 4002040 2402005 222324063 12 13 14 15 16 17 0243002220 432540310 ...
Arrangements of this piece also available for: Alto Saxophone Duet (8notes PREMIUM) Cello Cello Duet (8notes PREMIUM) Clarinet (8notes PREMIUM) Clarinet Duet (8notes PREMIUM) Flute (8notes PREMIUM) Flute Duet (8notes PREMIUM) Guitar Guitar Tab Piano Trumpet Duet (8notes PREMIUM) Viola Duet ...
Guitar Tab Piano Trumpet Duet (8notes PREMIUM) Viola Duet (8notes PREMIUM) Violin (8notes PREMIUM) Violin Duet (8notes PREMIUM) Request New Version MIDI+ Download Midi File Request Separated Instrument Midi Files MP3s+ Download MP3 Piano Playalong MP3 ...
Arrangements of this piece also available for: Alto Saxophone Duet (8notes PREMIUM) Cello Cello Duet (8notes PREMIUM) Clarinet (8notes PREMIUM) Clarinet Duet (8notes PREMIUM) Flute (8notes PREMIUM) Flute Duet (8notes PREMIUM) Guitar Guitar Tab Piano Trumpet Duet (8notes PREMIUM) Viola Duet ...
Arrangements of this piece also available for: Alto Saxophone Duet (8notes PREMIUM) Cello Cello Duet (8notes PREMIUM) Clarinet (8notes PREMIUM) Clarinet Duet (8notes PREMIUM) Flute (8notes PREMIUM) Flute Duet (8notes PREMIUM) Guitar Guitar Tab Piano Viola Duet (8notes PREMIUM) Violin (8note...
Arrangements of this piece also available for: Alto Saxophone Duet (8notes PREMIUM) Cello Cello Duet (8notes PREMIUM) Clarinet (8notes PREMIUM) Clarinet Duet (8notes PREMIUM) Flute (8notes PREMIUM) Guitar Guitar Tab Piano Trumpet Duet (8notes PREMIUM) Viola Duet (8notes PREMIUM) Violin (8no...
subscription at any time if you do not wish to make any further payments. Paypal users should cancel from within their Paypal account. If you pay by card you can cancel directly from your 8notes account. Simply click on the account menu and then the Subscriptions tab and look for the ...