Mint is great in lemonade, limeade, fruit juices, ice tea, and mojitos. Try a Pineapple Mint Mocktail and Peach Mojito. And have you tried a mint coffee? So good – grab the recipe for Philz Mint Mojito Coffee. Make your own mint extract by steeping mint leaves in vodka. Make a...
Peppermint has been studied in hospitals and found to soothe patient fear and anxiety before surgery, and also helps to relieve nausea after surgery. (ref) It’s good to have mint around – when you’re going through any form of physical and mental stress. What’s happening is that the...
Store fresh mint wrapped loosely in a damp paper towel in the crisper of your refrigerator inside a plastic bag. It will last for 4-7 days. What to make with leftover Mint? Make a cup of fresh mint tea to soothe an upset stomach. Combine freshly dried mint leaves with epsom salt and...
MINT Downy Woodmint (Blephilia ciliata) Soft fur on underside of leaves. Whitish blue purple flowers. Tea used for indigestion, colic, coughs, colds, chills and fevers. Make warm poultice with leaves for sinus headache. Chewing fresh leaves kills bacteria in the mouth and is good for teeth ...
In northern Spain, mint tea (called poleo) is offered as an after-dinner beverage. Other cultures also have long known that it is a digestive tonic plant. The oils in mint help to break down fats making them easier to digest. In Latin America, yerba buena (the good herb) or mint is...
Mint tea relieves indigestion and nausea. Mint is used to relieve heat during fever. Leaves are used to cure cough and provides relief from itchy throat. Leaves are helpful in curing allergies. To treat acne, mix mint leaves with rose water and apply it to face. Let it remain for few mi...
MINT Downy Woodmint (Blephilia ciliata) Soft fur on underside of leaves. Whitish blue purple flowers. Tea used for indigestion, colic, coughs, colds, chills and fevers. Make warm poultice with leaves for sinus headache. Chewing fresh leaves kills bacteria in the mouth and is good for teeth ...
Mint tea is a heady brew. It’s one of the greatest qualities of the stuff. Cool, dark, and refreshing, mint covers everything in a brisk and green breeze that eases the senses. This is important when your soggy apartment is as rank as an ill-kept compost pile. I can’t physically...
fatigue, depression, nausea, headaches, treats asthma, seasonal allergies, aides in breast feeding, skin care and helps with digestion and weight loss. When I think of mint, I think of a few things… peppermint, double mint, breath mint, peppermint tea, candy canes… okay okay, you get ...
Drink homemade mint tea during cold and flu season. Not only will the warm liquid sooth the throat but mint is a natural decongestant which opens the nasal passages – perfect forclearing out your sinuses. Those with chest congestion can also harness the powers of peppermint, thanks tothis fr...