Browse the Web, watch Youtube and Netflix with Firefox. Turn any website into a desktop app for immediate access. Gaming Access more than 7,800 games with Steam. Install the Heroic Games Launcher or Lutris to get even more. Give it a try. You’ll Love it! has a Windows Phone app that brings the mobile Mint experience to that platform. Mint is a personal finance app that helps you keep tabs on how much you're spending and saving, as well as develop budgets and goals for your money. Mint (for Windows Phone) The app can show you...
Take charge of your finances with Mint’s online budget planner. Our free budget tracker helps you understand your spending for a brighter financial future.
IT之家12月19日消息 Linux Mint 系统近日发布了 Linux Mint 20.1“Ulyssa” beta 版本,带来了诸多新功能。该系统基于 Ubuntu 20.04 设计,内核升级到 Linux 5.4,桌面升级到 Cinnamon 4.8。该系统的正式版将支持到 2025 年。新版本系统增添了 Web App 支持,除了列表提供的选项之外,还可以自定义添加链接,...
But you can't pay your bills through Mint. Only one personal finance app that I've tested offers online bill-pay, and that's Quicken.(Credit: Intuit/PCMag) Mint (and Rocket Money for that matter) helps you identify and end subscriptions that you don’t want, though Mint only does it...
在近日举行的2019进博会上,现代捷尼塞斯带来了旗下全新纯电动概念车Mint,据悉此次是其首次在中国亮相展出。这款纯电动概念车不仅科技感十足,更传递出现代集团未来在城市家用车的设计理念。 新车前脸总体设计十分简洁,进气格栅采用了全封闭式的设计,中央搭配一个倒三角形轮廓式样,看上去很像来自未来的智能汽车。两侧飞翼...
11月23日,在“真快乐”APP“严选商家天天抢好物”感恩周回血直播专场活动上,I'MINT 、相宜本草、乐高、小牛凯西等品牌厂商都为用户带来了超低价的高质量商品。而这些品牌,此前均通过了“真快乐”严选商家标准的层层筛选,成功入驻了“严选好店”频道。双11前,为进一步满足消费升级需要,提升消费体验,“真快乐...
Best PC Software Google Chrome Avast Free Antivirus VLC Media Player WinRAR Internet Download Manager Whatsapp Adobe Reader iTunes UltraISO uTorrent CCleaner Any Video Converter Hotspot Shield Steam Bandicam Google Earth Pro Firefox Media Player Classic ...
Install Linux Mint from USB on a Windows 10 PC Check for Linux Mint updates manually Restore files from backup on Linux Mint Linux Mint app alternatives for Windows 10 users Linux Mint hardware requirements These are the minimum and recommended system requirements for Linux Mint: ...
vue中引入mintui、vux重构简单的APP项目 最近在学习vue时也了解到一些常用的UI组件,有用于PC的和用于移动端的。用于PC的有:Element(饿了么)、iView等;用于移动端APP的有Vux、Mint UI(饿了么)、Vant(有赞团队)、cube-ui(滴滴)。 想做一个移动端微信公众号使用的界面,于是选择用mintUI。