"Allow replication with divergent and corrupt partner" - bring a tombstoned DC back to life. "Authenticated Users" vs. "Users" "Backup" Scenario for an active directory schema upgrade "Connections to this Domain Controller from client machines whose IP addresses don't map to any of the existin...
Caution The default providers installed with Windows Server 2003 do not synchronize more quickly than every 16 seconds, regardless of the value of this entry. See Also Concepts Config\MaxPollInterval
"Allow replication with divergent and corrupt partner" - bring a tombstoned DC back to life. "Authenticated Users" vs. "Users" "Backup" Scenario for an active directory schema upgrade "Connections to this Domain Controller from client machines whose IP addresses don't map to any of the existin...
Does Cluster computer object reset their passwords? Does common name (cn) 64 char limit restrict max length of AD group names? Does LastLogonTimestamp get updated when an ADFS authentication occurs Does the AD Object picker UI allow the user to select a Distribution group ? Does the value o...
"Allow replication with divergent and corrupt partner" - bring a tombstoned DC back to life. "Authenticated Users" vs. "Users" "Backup" Scenario for an active directory schema upgrade "Connections to this Domain Controller from client machines whose IP addresses don't map to any of the existin...
The Min-Poll-Interval is sent by the server to the client, specifying the minimum amount of time (in seconds) the client SHOULD wait before sending another poll request. Min-Poll-Interval = 1*DIGIT The default value for Min-Poll-Interval is 5 seconds.English...
The Min-Poll-Interval is sent by the server to the client, specifying the minimum amount of time (in seconds) the client SHOULD wait before sending another poll request. Min-Poll-Interval = 1*DIGIT The default value for Min-Poll-Interval is 5 seconds.中文...