In Greek mythology the Minotaur was a bull-headed monster born to Queen Pasiphae of Crete after she coupled with a bull. The creature resided in the twisting maze of the labyrinth where it was offfered a regular sacrifice of youths and maidens to satisfy
The action fantasy follows 'Sinbad' and his shipmates as they battle against the vicious 'minotaur' of Greek mythology, a hybrid of man and bull that stalks a labyrinth on the isle of Minos. "...'Sinbad', armed with rumors of ancient gold, finds himself sneaking into the desert camp of...
1.3英文释义:In Greek mythology, a creature that is half - man and half - horse. 1.4相关词汇:centaury(矢车菊,与centaur有关的植物名称,可能因传说与半人马相关) --- 2.起源与背景 2.1词源:源于古希腊语“kentauros”。 2.2趣闻:在古希腊神话中,半人马族性格复杂,有的野蛮好斗,有的则充满智慧。最著名...
Introduction|Creation Story|Olympians VS. Titans|Creation of Man| Revolt of Giants|Abduction of Persephone|The Underworld Visitors to Underworld|Amzon Warriors|Ares vs. Athena|Daedalus and Icarus Echo and Narcissus|Judgement of Paris|Perseus and Andromeda|Trojan War Original Sources of Greek-Roman Myth...