Besides continuing to work on the family farm, Bill spent a short time working as a Milk Hauler. He then found his calling as a serviceman for Montana Dakota Utilities in Minot–a job he would hold for more than 35 years. He always spoke highly of his time at MDU, how he had great ...
Balloons$NaN$60 No products found Funeral Homes in Minot, ND Assisted Living Facilities and Nursing Homes in Minot, ND Hospitals in Minot, ND Delivery to Zip Codes Delivery to Towns, Cities Hours of Operation Mon 10am - 8pm Tues 10am - 8pm Wed 10am - 8pm Thurs 10am - 8pm ...
SBPC has partnered with Minot Air Force Base since 2013 when a Department of Defense grant became available to create a joint land use study. SBPC worked with the Air Force and the counties in which missile facilities exist to develop the plan for compatibility between Air Force needs and civi...