Should downward bias remain, the positive effects we estimate should be considered lower bounds to returns to bilingualism in Mexico. Firstly, we show that indigenous men who are bilingual have, on average, a 2–4 percentage points higher likelihood of being employed, and receive 4.9 percentage ...
Moreover, the economic impact is also found to be large: a percentage change in tertiary education (a re-allocation from primary and secondary level) has the same effect on the growth rate as a 13% decrease in illiteracy. We find that the results are robust across different specifications, ...
At Cornell University, whose student suicides are as well-known as their strong engineering program, the high percentage of Asian-American victims has prompted university officials to install a special task force targeting their mental health. A psychologist on this panel addresses...
(130) <0.0001 <0.0001 0.0277 0.0146 0.0056 0.0028 <0.0001 <0.0001 0.0003 0.0002 <0.0001 <0.0001 Frequency (%CF) of carriers of each gene is expressed as a percentage and defined as the number of donors carrying the gene (n) divided by the number of donors studied (N) in the given ...
Vitamin A supplementation among children in India: Does their socioeconomic status and the economic and social development status of their State of residen... Background: India has the largest percentage/number of vitamin A deficient children in the world. However, the effectiveness of a program ...
Other Backward Classes (OBC): Align more closely with their population percentage, constituting 43% of the population and a 41% consumption share.General Category: Comprises 28% of the population but commands a significantly higher consumption share of 36%. Reduction in Consumption Inequality: The ...
Thus, Polish is unambiguously an immigrant language in post World War II Germany, whatever ETHNOLOGUE claims. Also: one complication involving Turkish nationals in Germany is that a sizeable percentage are in fact native speakers of languages of Turkey other than Turkish, chiefly Kurdish....
The school application list contains information on school size and percentage of Roma in school at application, and reports whether the school received the program and at which point in time. Schools needed to apply to be part of the program. We exploit the fact that, among those applying, ...
Results show that both fall-to-fall freshmen retention and six-year college graduation of second-decile minority students decreased, respectively, by 2.4 and 3.3 percentage points. The effect of the change in admissions policy was slightly larger for minority students in the third and lower deciles...
Thus, Polish is unambiguously an immigrant language in post World War II Germany, whatever ETHNOLOGUE claims. Also: one complication involving Turkish nationals in Germany is that a sizeable percentage are in fact native speakers of languages of Turkey other than Turkish, chiefly Kurdish....