Historically, African American students have been the most visible minority group battling obstacles to a higher eduction. Facing segregation and entrenched poverty many black students found it nearly impossible to go to college. To help right that wrong many exclusively African American universities were...
Apply for college scholarships for minorities. There are some great college scholarships for minority students, including scholarships based on merit and financial need.
American Dental Hygienists Association —College Scholarships and Grants ♥♠ American Dental Hygienists Association — Institute for Oral Health Scholarships Feb 1 The program offers financial assistance to dental hygiene students and dental hygienists who demonstrate a commitment to advance the discipli...
only 7 percent of low-income and minority community college students attain a bachelor’s degree within ten years. As the press release explains, low-income and minority students are “overrepresented in terms of enrollment”
College and university efforts to address minority students' needs are described. The Minority Achievement Program (MAP) provided grants to selected colleges to test a range of programs and services to help certain student groups succeed in achieving their educational goals. Descriptions of 10 selected...
National Institutes of Health (NIH), the number of minority students that are awarded college grants, and director Richard K. Nakamura of the NIH's Center for Scientific Review. The article also discusses historically black colleges and universities in the U.S.By Paul Basken...
Studies show that more and more poor and non-white students want to graduate from college-but their graduation rated fall far short of their dreams. The graduation rates for whites and Asians. As the minority population grows in the United States, low college graduation rates become a threat ...
A college education is getting ever more expensive. Since 1982 tuitions have been rising at roughly twice the rate of inflation. University administrators insist that most of those bikes are matched by increased scholarship grants or loans, but the recession has decreased private endowments(捐助) ...
Patent and Trademark Office Database,Patent Office- the government bureau in the Department of Commerce that keeps a record of patents and trademarks and grants new ones Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
Studies show that more and more poor and non-white students want to graduate from college-but their graduation rated fall far short of their dreams. The graduation rates for whites and Asians. As the minority population grows in the United States, low college graduation rates become a threat ...