In the 1990s the Chinese government enacted laws forbidding all hunting. This meant that the Oroqen people had to dramatically change their way of life. Oroqen men are apt at making wares with bone, wood and iron. Women are good at sewing leather clothes and carving on wares made of birch...
War is the health of the State. It automatically sets in motion throughout society these irresistible forces for uniformity, for passionate cooperation with the government in coercing into obedience the minority groups and individuals which lack the larger herd sense. — Randolph Bourne 27 What Mak...
This began when the Anglophone called for negotiations through dialogue, when their call was ignored, they asked for a return to a federal state, which still yielded no response; finally they call for secession came in, still no reaction from government. Meaning all their cries fell on deaf ...
I can speculate that it might have been because various people were claiming Native ancestry in order to claim land when the government paid tribal members for land as reservations were dissolved between 1893 and 1914. You can read more about that in this article at the National Archives about...
the government worked out a Dong written language on the basis of the Roman alphabet. However, the Dongs continue to use Chinese characters, in their written communications.There are basically two dialects, northern and southern. The Northern Dong is under the constant impact of Han culture and ...
The Malaysian government allows the export of gold coins but imposes certain restrictions and guidelines to ensure the proper regulation of the market. These regulations aim to maintain the stability of the country’s gold supply and prevent illicit activities....
however, there are five practical, i.e.,de facto, levels of local government in the People's Republic of China: the province, the prefecture, the county, the township, and the village. [NB: This footnote is a rehash of the online Wikipedia description for "administrative divisions of China...
Fourteen interviews were conducted between December 2021 and February 2022, using video-conferencing software [26] to adhere to Government guidance for physical distancing during the pandemic. Interviews were undertaken by the study team which included academic researchers [JM; SAS], an MSc student sup...
In the year 937, the Dali Kingdom under the central government of the Song Dynasty was founded. In later years, it had closer contacts with the central parts of China. Because of these contacts and the exchange of cultures, the Bai’s culture was greatly enriched. In the year 1253, the...
In China, the foreigners get in Tibet should have the permit of the government. If you are interesting in Tibetan’s life, religion and culture, and want to explore the area where Tibetans live without getting Chinese government’s permit, the best chance is going to Diqing Shangri-la. Apar...