Additionally, the ability of auspicious messages to support identity needs and to encourage positive interracial–ethnic dynamics in society is also detailed.doi:10.1002/9781118783764.wbieme0136Dana MastroJohn Wiley & Sons, Inc.D. Mastro, "Audience effects: Minority and majority groups," The ...
According to multi-cultural theory, instead, a stronger ethnic identity should favor acceptance of other groups. Here we studied the relation between ethnic identication (in minority vs majority groups) and outgroups attitudes. In particular, we focused on the emotional reactions towards the opening...
F. (2012). Urban district identity as a common ingroup identity: The different role of ingroup prototypicality for minority and majority groups. European Journal of Social Psychology, 42, 706-716. doi: 10.1002/ejsp.1888Urban District Identity as a Common Ingroup Identity:The Different Role of...
Ethnic In-Group Favoritism Among Minority and Majority Groups: Testing the Self-Esteem Hypothesis Among Preadolescents The self-esteem hypothesis in intergroup relations, as proposed by social identity theory (SIT), states that successful intergroup discrimination enhances ... M Verkuyten - 《Journal ...
Several definitions of majority and minority groups can be found in the social psychological literature. They involve numeric size, power/status, and counternormative position, but size is most commonly used in experimental research to manipulate minority/minority status. Does this practice mirror real...
Social change can be achieved via improved attitudes between minority and majority groups (i.e., social cohesion) or via action taken by minority groups (i.e., collective action). Recent work suggests that the social cohesion route to social change, in particular an emphasis on commonality, ...
(2009). Attitudes about electronic monitoring: Minority and majority racial group differ- ences. Journal of Criminal Justice, 37(2), 155-162.Payne, B., DeMichele, M., & Okafo, N., (2009) `Attitudes about Electronic Monitoring: Minority and Majority Racial Group Differences' Journal of ...
2.Minority groups tend to internalize the values of the dominant society. 少数群体倾向于逐渐吸收主流社会的价值观。 3.As usual, the majority group should obey the minority group. 一般来说, 少数服从多数. 4.The girl is from the Gaoshan minority group. 这个女孩是高山族的. 5.The festival is ...
Taking a minority perspective on ethnically diverse schools, we (a) play out intergroup friendship against equal treatment as predictors of belonging to the majority and minority groups (b) examine the interplay of friendship with equality on minorities' belonging to the majority and minority groups....
A minority group is a sociological category within a demographic. Rather than a relational "social group", as the term would indicate, the term refers to a category that is differentiated and defined by the social majority, that is, those who hold the majority of positions of social power in...