Impact of new minor league baseball stadiums on game attendance. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 17(3), 146-154. Retrieved from SPORTDiscus.Roy, D. P. (2008). Impact of new minor league baseball sta- diums on game attendance. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 17, 146-153....
B: One of my favorite minor league ballparks. Great, clean facilities nestled into the mountain. 72. LECOM Park 8.7 1611 9th St W (at 17th Ave W), 布雷登顿, FL Baseball Stadium· 29 tips and reviews Jim Dietrich: Now that you're here, check out's review of Mc...
Joe DiMaggio, Jackie Robinson and Willie Mays got their start and where tomorrow’s legends are just getting warmed up. More than just a cost-effective alternative to major league baseball, the minors offer up local flavor, irreverent comedic touches and a welcoming spirit, as well ...
We use a data set encompassing all A, AA, and AAA minor league baseball teams from 1992 to 2006 to estimate the impact of stadium construction on minor league attendance. This data set includes almost 200 teams, over half of which constructed a new stadium during the 15‐year observation ...
s no real winter to speak of, the days without a baseball game being played somewhere in the US still aren’t quite as bright as they are from March through November (don’t forget the Arizona Fall League!). So I thought I’d finally work on a new page that I’ve been thinking ...
OUTDOOR STADIUMS INDOOR ARENAS Give your fans the full game-day experience with an integrated system. In the sports industry, venues continue to look for digital opportunities that can be used for multiple applications within their facilities to enhance the fan experience and provide a return on...
At Maryland's six minor league baseball stadiums, the game is only a small part of the experience 来自 喜欢 0 阅读量: 11 作者: L Farmer 收藏 引用 批量引用 报错 分享 全部来源 求助全文 相似文献Value of public goods from sports stadiums: the CVM approach Many ...
During our sample period of1992 to 2006, 100 of the 192 minor leaguestadiums were new or newly renovated. This isconsiderably more occurrences of new stadiumABBREVIATIONSAPG: Average Per GameFCI: Fan Cost IndexGLS: Generalized Least SquaresMLB: Major League BaseballTMR: Team Marketing Report1...
Kansas has multiple minor league teams. Find your next professional sports excursion! Wichita Wind Surge The Wind Surge is a Double-A affiliate of the Minnesota Twins. Formerly known as the Wichita Wingnuts, the team rebranded in 2021 and now plays home games at the new and beautiful ...
No matter where you are, here are five Minor League ballparks -- great stadiums to visit any time -- that have postseason baseball on the docket, presented by Wyndham, proud sponsor of Minor League Ballpark Guides. Keesler Federal Park Biloxi Shuckers (Double-A Brewers)Ballpark Guide »...