Additionally, few scholars have investigated the impact of compersion (positive feelings for a significant other when he or she is involved in a rival romantic relationship) on relationship satisfaction (Duma, 2009). We predicted that there would be......
In genome-wide association studies (GWAS) all genotypes for SNPs with low MAF (<10%) are frequently discarded which causes a loss of data[38]. For instance, MAFs for 35.5% of the SNPs on the Affymetrix chips is lower than 10%. Additionally, eliminating low MAF SNPs may impede the detec...
类型:Major in Psychology,两个Minor:Math和Economics一句话总结:拓展兴趣爱好,非常喜欢这种自由选择课程的感觉理由:单纯就是花心罢了 就,很多人说Minor没啥用,学了又好像没学,不如Double Major能学得更深一些。但我选择Minor的理由,纯粹是...
the organization of the local religion, which they adopted; but they adopted it so completely that only one deity with a Celtic name has so far appeared on the numerous cult-inscriptions of Galatia (Anderson in Journal of Hellenistic Studies, 1910, 163). Nor has a single inscription in the...
It has become dependent on regional partners such as Japan, South Korea, Australia and select South‐east Asian countries, and has sought to promote multilateral arrangements on trade, non‐proliferation and security. The confrontation with Korea over nuclear missile sites in 1993–94 proved that ...
摘要: The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that the arms of a 10-year-old child were chopped off by a landlord over a minor issue with his father's payment of electricity bills. His hands were tied and were put in a harvesting machine....
(90 days in the POINT trial vs 21 days in the CHANCE trial) and differences in the metabolism of clopidogrel in Asian persons vs non-Asian persons are possible explanations for the difference.3Previous time-course analyses of the CHANCE trial indicated that the net benefit of dual antiplatelet...
in Singapore and there we worked on Asian values. Asian values is a kind of empty term, but when we dug into it and it focused on Confucianism, I thought it was fascinating and many of the themes in communitarianism were actually developed in greater depth and diversity in Confucianism. So...
Gerald Gillespie, for example, recognizes that the shortcomings of comparative literature must be redressed through the addition of "significant work in Asian, Pacific, Near Eastern, and African languages, but while expanding, not diminishing, our European repertory" (1987: 22). Revision of ...
East Asian Studies Politics Japanese Liz: 类型:Double Major 东亚研究 政治,Minor 日语 一句话总结:看似很多,实际上在水 理由:都怪Phd太卷! 我double major然后再minor的原因,纯粹是我想直接申请东亚研究的phd。感觉这个研究方向,算是文科里比较有出路,但竞争真的很卷!好多phd都读了二硕才能申上。。。不过我们学...