The minor diameter, root diameter or core diameter is the smallest diameter of the thread measured at right angles to the thread axis. From: Manual of Engineering Drawing (Third Edition), 2009 About this pageSet alert Discover other topics On this page Definition Chapters and Articles Related Te...
Minor salivary gland mesenchymal stem cells (MSGMSCs) can be easily extracted and have a broad range of sources. Applying exosomes to wounds is a highly promising method for promoting wound healing. Exosomes derived from different stem cell types have be
The graph T(2a,2b) is of diameter a+b and, furthermore, given a vertex v, there is a unique vertex at distance a+b of v which is therefore called antipodal of v; we denote it by v‾. The augmented toroidal grid of dimensions 2a and 2b, denoted AT(2a,2b) is the graph obtain...