A minor is not a degree. It's a concentration that you get in addition to your primary field of study, known as your major. Although minors can often round out your degree and provide depth and context to your education, they are not considered to be stand-alone degrees or certifications...
While a college diploma first designates the overall course of study like Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science, the diploma and transcript also show a concentration(s) in a focused area, or a major. A minor is a less intensive course of study that is secondary to the major designation....
11 Apps to Help College Search Mobile apps can help with various aspects of the college search and selection process, and many are free. Fran JeffriesFeb. 26, 2025 U.S. Graduate Program Tips Experts share advice for international students seeking U.S. graduate degrees in business, computer sc...
Minor and major degrees differ in that the former is subordinate to the latter. To earn a minor degree, around three years of study in a selected subject is the usual requirement. Minor degree refers to a supplemental second discipline of study and concentration that often complements the major...
(of a scale) having intervals of a semitone between the second and third degrees, and (usually) the fifth and sixth, and the seventh and eighth. 〔乐〕(音阶)小调的。与MAJOR 相对 Contrasted with major Example sentencesExamples The fingering chart provided on page 111 fails to identify the ...
lesser or secondary in amount, extent, importance, or degree of or relating to the minority below the age of legal majority (of a scale) having a semitone between the second and third and fifth and sixth degrees (natural minor) See alsoharmonic minor scale,melodic minor scale ...
To choose or have an area of secondary concentration as a student in a college or university. adjective Of little significance or importance. adjective (music) Of a scale which has lowered scale degrees three, six, and seven relative to major, but with the sixth and seventh not always ...
a musical scale having half steps between the second and third, fifth and sixth, and sometimes seventh and eighth degrees. [1885–90] Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved. ...
appliedforabachelor'sdegreemayreceiveminordegrees.The doubledegreeeducationbelongstotheundergraduateeducation category.Inordertogivefullplaytotheadvantagesof comprehensiveuniversitydiscipline,exploreacross disciplinaryteachingmodel,andpromoteateachingreform measuresofcompoundtalentstraining.Trainingmodeofdouble ...
7.US and Canadianeducationa subsidiary subject in which a college or university student needs fewer credits than in his or her major 8.Musica minor key, chord, mode, or scale 9.Logica minor term or premise 10.Maths a.a determinant associated with a particular element of a given determinant...