ST. PAUL, Minn. —The2024 Minnesota State Fairis here, and with it, all the fried food, sugary sweets and delectable drinks for which your heart and taste buds yearn. Withnearly three dozen new offeringsand six new vendors, there will be plenty for fairgoers to sample. And the WCCO te...
The Minnesota State Fair’s 2023 new foods lineup is heavy on desserts, exactly as it should be. Unfortunately, although the joy of sugar is unlimited, stomach space is finite. This list will help you hone in on which dessert (or two, or three—the State Fair only happens once a year...
Minnesota State Fair Dej Qab Zib (Sweet Refreshment) - Union Hmong Kitchen A coconut lychee colada made with a blend of coconut milk, lychee syrup, lime and mint, served over ice. (Vegan) (New Vendor) Deep-Fried Ice Cream - Snack House Minnesota State Fair Deep-Fried Ice Cream - Snack...
The Minnesota State Fair has unveiled its list of new foods, drinks and vendors for the 2022 event, and as usual there are some mouthwatering -- and head-scratching -- items.
WHEN MY FAIR-THEMEDFOOD POSTpublished yesterday, I had no idea that duck eggs from a rural Faribault farm are the focus of a newMinnesota State Fairfood. But then a newsletter fromGraise Farmlanded in my email Thursday morning and I knew immediately I needed to share this fair food update...
The 12 most over-the-top new foods at the Minnesota State FairJoanna Fantozzi
Who eats a gyro at the State Fair? Dodgy and usually poorly done even under the best of circumstances, gyros are one of those foods that regularly disappoint. G&G gyros, for reasons we’re still struggling to understand, featured a nice, fresh mix of toppings, tender pliable pitas, melt-...
This year Bowen was up for the challenge again. While enjoying the fair, he's brought us his Top 7 Minnesota State Fair Picks.
This year Bowen was up for the challenge again. While enjoying the fair, he's brought us his Top 7 Minnesota State Fair Picks.
In the Tri-State area, only one city even cracked the Top 100. St. Paul checks in at number 100, bolstered by a 22nd overall ranking in fast food affordability. Sioux Falls is in the top 150, at number 149. South Dakota's largest city was 78th in fast food affordability, but 166...