While this new fair vendor's churros were, by all accounts of those in line near me, perfectly legit, I was bound and determined to see whether the aguas frescas had what it took to stand shoulder with the fair's many, many other top-notch thirst quenchers. The answer is...
ST. PAUL, Minn. —The2024 Minnesota State Fairis here, and with it, all the fried food, sugary sweets and delectable drinks for which your heart and taste buds yearn. Withnearly three dozen new offeringsand six new vendors, there will be plenty for fairgoers to sample. And the WCCO te...
Out of 47 states that host a state fair, Minnesota topped the list byThrillestof the Best State Fairs! We also are number 2 for attendance beaten only by Texas whose fair lasts a week longer. We sure do have amazing food like theNew State Fair Foodsand my age-old favorites like Sweet...
This year Bowen was up for the challenge again. While enjoying the fair, he's brought us his Top 7 Minnesota State Fair Picks.
And like any gathering in Minnesota, it's about the food. And every year you'll find some of the best, most unique, and sometimes unbelievable foods and food combinations. As they say “the Minnesota State Fair features 300+ food vendors offering 500+ menu items - 80 of which are on-...
It can be difficult to decide what is the best food in each state. However, an article fromBusiness Insidergives a little insight into the top foods in each state. Get our free mobile app The researchers at theBusiness Insider"searched for the top foods you should chow down on wherever yo...
You can expect the event to be kind of like a mini state fair. A state fair warm-up. A pre-game, if you will. There will be nearly 40 vendors that are some of our state fair favorite foods and drinks, music and entertainment, 20+ specialty Minnesota merchants, the Giant Slide, hist...
This year Bowen was up for the challenge again. While enjoying the fair, he's brought us his Top 7 Minnesota State Fair Picks.
The Minnesota State Fair’s 2023 new foods lineup is heavy on desserts, exactly as it should be. Unfortunately, although the joy of sugar is unlimited, stomach space is finite. This list will help you hone in on which dessert (or two, or three—the State Fair only happens once a year...
If you're heading up to the Minnesota State Fair, here's the one item you HAVE to try at this year's Great Minnesota Get-Back-Together!Like many Minnesotans, I'm looking forward to heading up to the fairgrounds in Falcon Heights to take in the sights and sounds... and foods... of...