Crews plan to reconstruct a 1.2 mile stretch of Hwy. 56 through LeRoy. Tree removal occurred in January. Construction is slated to start in the Spring of 2024. Hwy. 56 Resurfacing-West Concord Google Hwy. 56 Resurfacing-West Concord Crews plan to resurface Hwy. 56 through West Concord this ...
Update: Closed Portion of I-90 in Winona County, MN Has Reopened InWinona County, both lanes of an 11-mile stretch of westbound Interstate 90 from Nodine to the Hwy. 76 interchange were closed due to a crash, according to theMinnesota Department of Transportation(MnDOT). On westbound I-90...
11 of those crashes had either a fatality or a serious injury, leaving this portion of Hwy 14 with a fatal and serious injury crash rate 50 percent greater than comparable
MnDOT Extends Hwy 61 Traffic Delays + Detour On Minnesota’s North Shore Ely Police Department Warns Of Rental Property Scam Ely Police Department Warns Of Rental Property Scam You Can Actually Camp For Free In One Of America’s Largest National Forests Here In Minnesota You Can Actually Camp ...