Minnesota Child Support Laws and Parenting Time Minnesota law is continually trying to find the appropriate and fair calculation for child support determinations. There is an ongoing dispute as to the resources needed to care for a child while having extensive parenting time with a child. In a co...
However, Christina noted that while the law is intended to just impact Minnesotans, the broadness of the laws policing PBMs means that employer-sponsored plans from around the country were affected.2 “To compound the problem our lawsuit seeks to remedy, the Minnesota Act interferes with the des...
Healthcare organizations and others must comply with the laws and regulations under the Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act (HIPAA). Maxxum complies with all HIPAA regulations regarding protected health information, and has been providing data sanitization and destruction services to healthcare...
The 2023-2024 legislative session ushered in a host of significant legislative changes, impacting businesses and employees alike. From tax increases to new business regulations, staying compliant with these evolving laws is crucial. To help your business navigate these changes effectively, the Minnesota...
Description:The White Oak Casino benefits the Ojibwe tribe. The games offered at this casino include: black jack tables, video poker and slots. Employees enjoy great benefits that include health and dental insurance and much more! Cantebury Park ...
Georgia Lawmakers Consider Easing One of the Nation's Toughest Death Penalty Laws Lawmakers have tried multiple times to change Georgia's strict legal standard to prove that someone has an intellectual disability and shouldn't get the death penalty ...
Dziedzic's personal health struggles prompted a policy proposal:Health insurance should cover wigs for cancer patients.Herbillrequires insurance coverage with a doctor's prescription for wigs up to $1,000 per year. The bill is set to go into effect on Jan. 1. ...
It is estimated that three-fourths of Minnesotans are employed in the service industry. Since the late 1990s the financial, insurance, health care, high-technology, and tourism sectors have experienced growth in the Twin Cities and other areas within the states. Retail merchandise stores such as ...
"As laws continue to shift and change, we think that the trajectory will continue to grow," said Ruth Richardson, CEO of Planned Parenthood North Central States, the largest provider in Minnesota. The increase comes after lawmakers in the DFL-led legislature two years ago doubled down on abor...
Crime reporting requires special attention to ethics; all editorial staff must be aware of this responsibility. All editorial staff should be aware of relevant laws relating to crime reporting, both in Minnesota and beyond. Naming suspects