For 25 years, Hans Froseth has been among them. "Both waterfowl and deer up at our family cabin," said Froseth. Deering hunting — with a rifle, shotgun or muzzleloader — is the state's most popular form of hunting. "It is a very safe sport," said David Taylor, COO ofStock & B...
My initial glimpse of the nearly invisible deer standing on a leaf-littered trail. (Minnesota Prairie Roots copyrighted photo November 2024) So into the woods I went at River Bend Nature Center in Faribault, where first off I spotted a deer on a trail, the animal effectively camouflaged among...
the peace that prevails. It’s the being here, feet upon the ground, eyes taking in the countryside, that touches the soul. A walk through the cemetery, the reading of dates and names and tombstone messages channels a personal connection to those who came before us. The settlers who likely...
Sport hunters are known to appreciate this breed, as English springer spaniels make great pets during the week and tough hunting buddies during the weekends. This breed is also polite, good with kids and other animals, and eager to join in any family activity. #41. Dalmatian (tie) Pulkit...
The class of English gentleman who loved hunting is responsible for this breed. English setters have gorgeous speckled coats, a height of around 25 inches tall, and a reputation for getting along with everyone. #92. Chow chow Wikimedia Commons ...
Once used in big-game hunts tracking bears, deer, mountain lions, and wolves, Weimaraners have since evolved into canine sidekicks that want to be with their owners all of the time. Because of this shadowing characteristic, the dogs earned the nickname "gray ghosts." Weimeraners' hunting ...
Once used in big-game hunts tracking bears, deer, mountain lions, and wolves, Weimaraners have since evolved into canine sidekicks that want to be with their owners all of the time. Because of this shadowing characteristic, the dogs earned the nickname "gray ghosts." Weimeraners' hunting ...
Weimaraners are said to have been developed by German aristocrats who crossbred bloodhounds with German and French hunting dogs. Once used in big-game hunts tracking bears, deer, mountain lions, and wolves, Weimaraners have since evolved into canine sidekicks that want to be with their owners ...
Once used in big-game hunts tracking bears, deer, mountain lions, and wolves, Weimaraners have since evolved into canine sidekicks that want to be with their owners all of the time. Because of this shadowing characteristic, the dogs earned the nickname "gray ghosts." Weimeraners' hunting ...