Nhấp vào thẻ để lật 👆 Tạo bởi Haisama Học sinh cũng đã học Minna no nihongo 18 Giáo viên27 thuật ngữ Minna no nihongo 19 30 thuật ngữ Hán tự bài 16 14 thuật ngữ ...
Minna No Nihongo L0V Kyoushitsu no Kotoba Guardar 5.0 (1 reseña) はじめましょう。 Hajimemashou. Haz clic en la ficha para voltearla 👆 Empecemos. Haz clic en la ficha para voltearla 👆 PholetteMMaestro Usuario que más crea en Quizlet...
students that are using the Minna no Nihongo Shokyu textbooks. Kanji are structured with reading, usage and writing in both volumes. The book provides descriptive examples showing contexts rather than using rote memorization. They also include tasks, reviews, and quizzes to review what you have ...
In addition, to expand vocabulary and improve listening, "Minna no Nihongo" provides fun, interesting and practical quizzes. These quizzes will require users to listen and understand the meaning of each sentence, thereby helping them practice listening and understanding Japanese naturally and flexibly...
Learn Japanese JLPT N3,N4 word & Kanji by Minna No Nihongo newwords in animation+ List of 50 lesson of words for easy to intermediate+ Show each newword in animation for writing order and word structure+ Take quiz for check maturity 更多 网友评论更多 下载豌豆荚,参与网友评论互动 暂无评...
In short, "Japanese Minna no Nihongo" is not only an ordinary Japanese conversation learning app, but also a reliable companion for those who want to learn and master Japanese. With the ability to practice speaking, pronunciation, intuitive vocabulary learning and fun quizzes, this application wi...
Minna no nihongo bai 25かんがえます (考えます II) 单击单词卡可翻转 👆 单击单词卡可翻转 👆 1 / 21 单词卡 学习 测试 配对 创建者 mailinh1307 此学习集的词语(21) かんがえます (考えます II) いなか countryside とります (取ります) りゅうがくします いくら (~でも) cho ...
In short, "Japanese Minna no Nihongo" is not only an ordinary Japanese conversation learning app, but also a reliable companion for those who want to learn and master Japanese. With the ability to practice speaking, pronunciation, intuitive vocabulary learning and fun quizzes, this application wi...
In short, "Japanese Minna no Nihongo" is not only an ordinary Japanese conversation learning app, but also a reliable companion for those who want to learn and master Japanese. With the ability to practice speaking, pronunciation, intuitive vocabulary learning and fun quizzes, this application wi...
Japanese Minna no Nihongo help to learn Japanese conversation easy and fun: - Practice speaking with a native accent. - Learn vocabulary intuitively with fun quizzes. Japanese Minna no Nihongo is a Japanese learning app for foreigners. This application helps Japanese learners develop vocabulary, gra...