Youth workers are required to do A LOT. I fight tooth and nail that we have one of the most difficult jobs in the church! While people hate the implications of what I’m about to say, logistically it holds true: The youth ministry is a church within a church. (Hear me out!) Logist...
jobs/dead-letter SI-228 - add service account and remove aws creds env vars (#733) Aug 25, 2023 migrations SI 151 store approved category comment in db (#801) Apr 15, 2024 scripts [CAT-1532] Adds Cypress Dashboard page (#700) ...
Some churches have a media coordinator for specific ministries within the church who focuses on the use of media to share the message of that ministry. For example, the missions media coordinator at First United Methodist Church in Colorado Springs “stays apprised of all that is going on in ...
Is this what jobs in the Kingdom are supposed to be like? You’re not alone in asking this question… Burnout in the Church is an Epidemic Let’s cut straight to the heart of it: burnout in ministry isn’t just common, it’s reaching epidemic proportions. Nearly 1 in 4 pastors unde...
Recent probes suggest that a number of government ministries here have been involved in illegal job placement rackets, known locally as "amakudari" (descent from heaven), involving ex-ministers landing top-notch jobs in the same sectors they used to oversee. ...
If we want to help the homeless, the very first step is seeking to understand who they are and how they think. The best way to do this is by listening to their stories. Here are a few of the stories I have heard from homeless people in my town as I spent Easter Sunday among them...
As I stood amidst the flurry of last-minute preparations for our retreat, I couldn’t shake the anticipation of what lay . . . Read More Stories My Mom Shared with Me The Podcast Team | March 1, 2024 Memories that bring a smile to your face are great tools to help through the grief...
All the grandkids told me not to worry we will take good care of you, and they did. It was nice to be out with the family on our motorcycles. Chris and John love to work with their hands repairing and building jobs. Sarah is in the medical field. Shandie is teaching high school....
We've all heard stories of men or women in the workplace that left their jobs for the "ministry." Certainly God does call people into vocational ministry. However, many times this move is more rooted in dissatisfaction with a career combined with a spiritual renewal or first time c...
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