President Buhari said he looked forward to a rousing reception from Nigerians for members of Team Nigeria Birmingham 2022, just as he assured all stakeholders that youth and sports development will remain a priority for this administration. He congratulated the Ministry of Youth and Sports D...
This move, according to him, aims to address the current concentration on sports, particularly football, at the expense of other sports and opportunities for youth development. Mr. Mahama’s vision for the restructured ministry includes the establishment of a youth development service that will creat...
primary/secondary schools was carried out in Nigeria in collaboration with the Nigerian National Commission for UNESCOandtheFederal Ministry ofEducation; finally, three HIV/AIDS training seminars for teachers were held in Bangladesh. ...
Adichie also has Ifemelu return to Nigeria where she comes to grips with the ways that America has changed her and also the ways in which Nigeria in particular and Africa in general will always be a home to her despite the ways in which she has fallen out of love with it. African-...
• Entire operation period: socialization sectors (education, training, health care, culture, sports and the environment…); agriculture; social residential housing development etc. Machines, materials, special transport means…imported to create fixed properties of investment incentive projects. Materials...