The Ministry of Magic (M.o.M.) was the main governing body of the magical community of Great Britain (i.e. England, Scotland and Wales) and Ireland, with the intention of preservation of magical law. The Ministry connected the British government to the w
Rev. Dr. Katrina Stipe Brooks has served in a variety of ministry roles: co-pastor, campus pastor, college pastor, youth pastor, coach, and retreat leader, among others. She currently lives in Florida and can frequently be found joining in the magic of Disney and engaging in ministry wherev...
We see quite the political intrigue as Pharazôn positions himself opposite his cousin, Queen Regent Míriel. Their positions are not clear, though, except that Míriel is a traditionalist while Pharazôn wishes to make a new Númenor. But what traditions is she actually upholding? What ...
While games like League of Legends, DOTA, World of War, and others simulate a mixed world of the past and the future, of magic and reality, gaming simulation offered bounds of ideas that are yet to unfold. And while multiplayer games have been introduced, it also birthed many strategies ...
The size of the congress and the variety of issues pointed to one reality – the task ahead is big and that we are small. It almost appeared as if the more we work the more the work increases. Yet Lausanne had done a thorough job in releasing the state of great commission report which...
And he doesn’t read David Tian’s to have covered so many hunts… Good job, Gary Ng. This Gary Ng is way better than the chap doing Free sex, free AVs, sensational headlines, and what else? But to claim that he has done a better job than Edison is...
In this, lights do travel past the blackholes, but in very distorted fashion as in magic mirrors. When a system melts down and combusts upon itself behind the blackhole, the light energy still travel as its nature would be, and we should be able to pick up the light on a distorted pat...
The position titles from highest to lowest positions for Got Money Take should be more appealing to the market: Got Money Take Party Lim Lao Beh, Scope. (Sec Gen, Prime Minister) Got Money Take Party Lobo King, Vacant. (Chairman, President) Got Money Take Party Bochap King, Vacant. (...
In this, lights do travel past the blackholes, but in very distorted fashion as in magic mirrors. When a system melts down and combusts upon itself behind the blackhole, the light energy still travel as its nature would be, and we should be able to pick up the light on a distorted pat...
Nowadays, Singapore is full of such notorious happenings… Sim Lim is packing a whole bunch of them as well. The shop owner who lied about the mere 700:1 ratio told me:I don’t teach my son to be so rude. I feel like telling him:You are teaching your son to cheat and expect nice...