The ministry affirmed that it will not terminate their services, but will continue with their employment and will expedite payment of their wages on time without any delay, revealing that their monthly wages are KD 200. Meanwhile, sources from Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs said the mini...
The first project, ‘Developing the Local Debt Capital Market in the Country’, is a joint project with the Central Bank of the UAE by establishing programmes for issuing local public debt instruments, represented by bonds and Islamic treasury sukuk in dirhams, and primarily trading them in the...
to buy local products. Construction of New Classrooms. Post Tsunami Agriculture and fisheries. Ministry of Home Affairs. Ministy of Defence and National Security. Ministry of Fisheries and agriculture. Ministry of Economic Development. Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure. Ministry of Islamic Affairs....
The Iranian foreign ministry spokesman stressed that those who have committed terrorist acts do not have the right to utilize such rhetoric against the heroes of the war against terrorism in response to reports that some states have attempted to label the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) as ...
AssistantSecretary-General, ICT of Qatar; Mr. Cherif Benmehrez, Adviser to the Minister of Communications of Algeria; Mr.Gabriel Rodriguez, Director of the DepartmentofEnergy,Science,Technology andInnovation,Ministry ofForeign Affairs of Chile; and Mr. Fortunato T. De la Peña, Undersecretary, De...