Raik said. Most of the Estonians who cross the border are Narva residents. Over a third are residents of Finland, which has closed every land crossing on the border with Russia. People from Paris and Rome come to Narva to cross the European border. ...
TheMinistry of Economic Affairsand Employment, Finnvera, Business Finland Oy, Innovation Funding Agency Business Finland, ELY Centres and TE Offices may exchange client information relating to the beneficiary. The Secretary, Economic Affairs Division,Ministry of Economic Affairsand Statistics of the Borrowe...
Change communication in office space renewal, Case Ministry of the Interior of Finland: Nowadays office space renewals are more relevant than ever before. Many organizations are transferring to this modern trend of open space offices by giving up individual offices. The motives behind a change like...
Fee Payable (plus mailing costs) BAHRAIN Relevant document 'Good Conduct Certificate' Apply Residents in person or by mail to the Ministry of Interior Public Security General Directorate of CID Non-residents in person to any Bahraini Embassy. Provide Residents copy of passport with two non-glossy...
The study revealed that Iran's Ministry of Interior website ranks 17th among the countries surveyed, positioning it robustly. The US Interior Ministry's website ranked first, followed by those of Germany, Belgium, Taiwan, Qatar, and Finland, all demonstrating excell...
aadministration of LSE, like DGT. The State Radio Regulatory Committee (SRRC) was in charge of [translate] aoperations. Ministry of Electronic Industry (MEI) had the authority over electronic manufactur- [translate] agovernmental branches for their interior uses, like Ministry of Railways ( "xed...
was prepared bytheMinistry of Foreign Affairsfromdata supplied by the Ministries of Justice, the Interior, [...] daccess-ods.un.org daccess-ods.un.org 本国家报告由外交部根据司法部、内务部、劳动和社会保障部、卫生部、教 育部、文化部、信息部、经济部、住房和公共事业部、农业和粮食部、体育和旅...
Minister for Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Mr Per Stig Moller, a letter dated 3 July 2009, [...] unesdoc.unesco.org 总干事接到丹麦外交部长 Per Stig Moller 先生 2009 年 7 月 3 日的来信,信中代表法罗 群岛申请接纳该群岛为教科文组织准会员。 unesdoc.unesco.org [...] Germany in conj...
Prison health care is under the responsibility of the Ministry of Interior except in Catalonia and the Basque Autonomous Community where it operates under the aegis of the Ministry of Health. As of October 2023, completed transfer of governance to the Ministry of Health nationally is documented in...