The four products were being sold by retail in health food stores and pharmacies as well as 'adult' shops and over the internet. Consumers are advised to seek medical advice if they are taking other medicines or if they have felt unwell when use any of the four products. Twist in the ...
Ministry Of Health (NZ) iPad 與 iPhone Whāia 教育
网站别名Ministry of Health 网站地址 网站类型医疗健康组织机构 所属地区大洋洲 更新时间2020-11-28 关键词新西兰卫生部,Ministry of Health,公共卫生服务 网站描述新西兰卫生部是负责新西兰的公共卫生服务的平台,致力于为大家提供更好的健康结果。
public static Azure.AI.Language.Text.PiiCategory NzMinistryOfHealthNumber { get; } Property Value PiiCategory Applies to 產品版本 Azure SDK for .NET Preview 在GitHub 上與我們共同作業 您可以在 GitHub 上找到此內容的來源,在其中建立和檢閱問題和提取要求。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱我們的參與者指南。
广告公司:Y&R NZ,The Sweet Shop 案例详情 According to Y&R New Zealand and The Sweet Shop, asking parents to complete one more task, on a twice-daily basis, is a stretch at best. The two paired up for this campaign for Health Promotion Agency and Ministry of Health, to create a campaign...
Highlights the move of New Zealand's Ministry of Health to encourage patients receiving COX-2 inhibitors who are at high risk of cardiovascular events to meet their doctor to discuss the discontinuation of the treatment. Advice given by the Ministry to patients who are not at high risk of ...
The data is from The data is downloaded and cleaned up using R - all code is in_drake.R There are a selection of files in thedatadirectory. ...
South PacificNew Zealand
Ministry of Health takes sample test of NZ dairy products(People's Daily Online) 16:32, January 30, 2013 ChinaqueriesNZaboutchemicalresidueinmilk The impact of the detection of chemical residues in dairy products originating from New Zealand found in Chinese market is still spreading. ...
This article deals with the warning issued by New Zealand's Director-General of Health regarding the potential health dangers associated with a number of Chinese medicine products. According to investigations by the New Zealand Ministry of Health, the drugs are indicated for erectile dysfunction and ...