The Ministry of Finance of Somaliland has an annual plan, as well as Five Year Strategic Plan, which is the map or path for each Office to follow in the execution of its mandated activities, and at the end of each year, a general assessment is made of its performance. ...
Ministry of Finance, Egypt: Survey of Egypt, Geological Survey. The Geography and Geology of Makalla (South Arabia).By O. H. Little. With Two Appendices: (i.) Description of Fossils from South Arabia and British Somaliland, by Prof. G. Stefamini; (ii.) Note on some Terrestrial Mollusca...
The Pliocene conglomerates appear to correlate with the Bakhtiari series of the Persian Gulf and the great calcareous conglomerates of Somaliland.The Miocene beds are not well developed and are gypseous in character; they are thought to correspond with the Fars series of the Persian Gulf, and ...
Ministarstvo turizma potiče turiste da posjete povijesne gradove u Somalilandu. WikiMatrix HR: Approval of the Ministry of Tourism for office manager position. HR: Odobrenje ministra turizma za mjesto voditelja ureda. EurLex-2 Almost # % of them cited vacation as the purpose of...