National Medicinal Plants Board, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India, Indian Red Cross Society, New Delhi, IndiaSaurabh SharmaNational Medicinal Plants Board, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India, Indian Red Cross Society, New Delhi, India...
To make regulators and manufacturers conversant with practical aspects of enforcement and manufacturing issues of Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani and Homoeopathy (ASU&H) drugs, the Ministry of Ayush organised a two-day training programme recently. This is the first of the five training sessions to be organ...
The MoU was signed virtually and the Ayush ministry has entered this MoU with the specific purpose of strengthening, promotion, and development of standards in the field of Ayurveda and other Indian Traditional Systems of Medicine between the two countries on the basis of equality and mutual benef...
PHD Chamber organized a technical session on Incentive and Schemes offered by Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India for ASU Sector on 24th February 2022 during AYUSH e-Mela. The eminent speakers present were Shri Vikram Singh...
India’s leading auto brand Tata Motors partners with the Ministry of AYUSH to deploy Tigor Electric Vehicles (EVs) in Delhi, as a part of its tender with EESL August 26, 2020 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Share via Email India’s leading auto brand Tata Motors partners with ...
S.No. NAME OF MINISTRIES/DEPARTMENTS OFFICIAL WEBSITE LINK 1. Agriculture and Farmers Welfare 2. Atomic Energy 3. Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy (AYUSH) 4. Chemical and Ferti...
The treatment could also be included under Indian government’s Ayushman Bharat scheme, the world’s largest healthcare scheme that provides free treatment up to 7,045 U.S. dollars per year to approximately 500 million poor people in the country, the official said. ...
COVID KAVACH app , perfect amalgamation of Engineering excellence and Medical innovation. AYUSH COVID 19 research projects for Ayurvedic medicines in COVID-19 clinical trial to track status of COVID-19 participants.
10. Exempted Reinsurance Services provided to specified Insurance Schemessuch as Pradhan MantriRashtriyaSwasthyaSuraksha Mission (PMRSSM) (Ayushman Bharat), funded by Government. Government Services 11. Exempted services provided by Government to ERCC by way of assigning the right to collect royalty, ...
Preview Description: Dr. AKBS Mission School of Homeo Pharmacy v. Secretary, Ministry of Ayush #pdf Submitted By: Garima Dikshiton 16 December 2020 Scorecard : 846My Other Files Downloaded: 0 times File size: 90 KB Rating: Download Other files inOtherscategory ...