S.No. NAME OF MINISTRIES/DEPARTMENTS OFFICIAL WEBSITE LINK 1. Agriculture and Farmers Welfare http://agricoop.nic.in/ 2. Atomic Energy http://www.dae.gov.in/ 3. Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy (AYUSH) https://www.ayush.gov.in/ 4. Chemical and Ferti...
access to market, technology upgradation, ease of doing business, and a sense of security for employees. He said that as a Diwali gift for the sector, the 12 announcements he is making, will address each of these five categories.
The Union health ministry has launched the ‘The WHO India Country Cooperation Strategy 2019–2023: A Time of Transition’, which will provide a strategic roadmap for WHO to work with the Government of India towards achieving its health sector goals, in improving the health of its population an...