of raising kids today, people losing jobs, deaths in families. Hearing the Word preached, praying and singing with others, hiking along the Oregon Coast, kept me buoyed. I should mention that I’ve been reading, for discussion with a friend in the Midwest who I read books with, the ...
Now Sara wanted to warn the girls, but how many Singaporean girls won’t fall for such type of guys: Decent jobs, cool and fun cum foreigner with sweet nothings ready to pour on them. And Sara wanted to be a teacher. Oh my god… her wish could jolly well come true. She is in JC...
ERC is telling people tokick their jobs awayfor ERC to bring the people to new pinnacles. To me… it is obviously a joke. After the course, those with jobs still stay in their jobs, this aspiring man is left with nothing but total disappointment. Of course, if you listen to some clow...