The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sweden has contributed to the Centre with core support since its inception. 国际过渡时期司法中心自成立以来,瑞典外交部一直提供核心支持。 UN-2 Maldives recognized and encouraged advances in gender equality; and appreciated awareness activities by the Ministry of ...
Following the continued political detention of Hamid Nouri by Sweden, the Swedish Ambassador to Tehran Matthias Lentz, was summoned on Sunday by the Assistant Minister and Director General of Western Europe of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to receive the strong protest of the Islamic Republic of ...
Examples ofMinistry of Foreign Affairsin a sentence This “attack” will have to be recognised by the FrenchMinistry of Foreign Affairsor the Ministry of the Interior. The funding for this initiative is provided by Sweden andMinistry of Foreign Affairsof Denmark. ...
In a statement issued on Thursday, the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs said that Finland is "discussing the issue with Russia through diplomatic channels". The ministry said that Finland's view is that "such measures" must not endanger air traffic, for example. Following statements by leadin...
This is the first ever account of women in Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The first section traces women’s entry into the diplomatic training institute, highlighting the work of the pioneers in the first and...
Kanaani noted that Iran will pursue the matter in light of the Court of Appeal’s verdict against Iranian national Hamid Nouri, and he called on the Swedish government to take note of the consular rights of foreign people who have been wrongfully detained in Sweden. ...
transferred to the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic cooperation of China (MOFTEC), and worked for [...] 1986年他进入中国国际经济技术交流中心工作, 后 转 入 外经贸 部, 并 在博 鳌亚 洲论坛工作三年。 [...] the Guangzhou Commissioner of the...
Sweden has developed national urban parks (Schantz 2006) and the Dutch ministry for spatial planning has promoted a coherent network [...] 瑞典已建成 国家城市公园(Schantz,2006年),荷兰空间规划 部亦已推行了自 然区与连接区的连贯网络 (Ecologische Hoofd-structuur),以此作为更大欧洲...
An older woman from Sweden once told me how identically 100 per cent white Swedes will despise one another simply because they live in different towns. Alcoholic Europe. “Indian Running” Peter Nabokov Intelligent of you to pass up going to Sedona. Magnificent eye candy; attracts power trippers...
country is not listed, please contact the nearest departmental office for further information AFGHANISTAN Relevant document 'Certificate' Apply Residents should apply with the Interior Ministry, Government of Afghanistan and then the certificate has to be attested to by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. ...