Clash of the Titans(I)(2010) Jerome Willis Neil, The Party Chairman 1 Perfume: The Story of a Murderer(2006) Jamie Newall Reporter 1 Royal Shakespeare Company: Love's Labour's Lost(2015) Alan Downer French President 1 Triton(1968)
“For our part, the Ministry of Labour, Community Affairs and Sports is doing what it can to assist the many people that have found themselves displaced and their financial future uncertain due to Covid -19. “Recently I advised employers and employees to contact the Labour Relations Section f...
canadian labour minister steven mackinnon will brief media at 10 am eastern time (1500 gmt) on tuesday about the status of disputes at the major ports of vancouver and montreal, his office said in a statement. a spokesman for mackinnon declined to give more details. (report...
FILE PHOTO: Former New Zealand Prime Minister Jenny Shipley addresses party supporters as husband Burton looks on after conceding victory to the Labour Party leader Helen Clark in Methven, November 27, 1999./File Photo By Lucy Craymer WELLINGTON (Reuters) -New Zeala...
Perhaps the fashion shoot was a political statement of some sort, then. And she probably didn't mean it when she said, around the time of her election as one of 'Blair's Babes' in the 1997 Labour landslide, that it was 'time to get some glamour into politics'. Ms Flint, the MP...
“It is a contest of talents.When everyone’s talents come together,it will become a great festival. That is the significance of the school arts fest-he added. It is a get together and celebration after an interval.So,this year’s festival should become a great celebration”-the ministe...
With the U.K. Labour Party returning to power after 14 years of Conservative rule, the main appeal of the man taking power may be his dullness.
Reeves' budget on Wednesday is likely to include an array of revenue-raising changes, a prospect that has worried households and business already on edge about Labour's plan to give workers more protections in their jobs. "We've never seen this level of interest in a b...
Sir Keir Starmer has appointed Sue Gray as his chief of staff, prompting some Tory MPs to say her partygate inquiry was a "Labour stitch-up". The Labour leader has defended his decision, saying the country needs to be prepared to win the election.
Australia’s migration program has a ceiling of 160,000 for 2020-21. Of these, 79,600 are set aside for the Skill stream specifically designed for addressing the shortage in the labour market in Australia. Allocation for the Global Talent Independent [GTI] Program has been tripled, from 5,...