On Wednesday, India's prime minister, Dr Manmohan Singh, convened a meeting to discuss how to save the textile industry. The textile industry is in a predicament because India's cotton prices have risen sharply. During the meeting, Mr Sharad Pawar, Minister of agriculture at the conference, ...
Nigerian Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Affirms Support for Agra Innovate NigeriaGoodluck Ebele JonathanAkinwumi Adesina
The launch of NPSS marks a significant step forward in modernising agriculture in India, enhancing food security, and supporting sustainable farming practices. This initiative underscores the Government’s commitment to leveraging technology for the welfare of farmers and the advancement of the agricultura...
Just six months after taking the job, India's railways minister Mr Pawan Bansal resigned on May 10 amid a bribery and corruption scandal brought about by the arrest of his nephew Mr Vijay Singla and Indian Railway board member staff, Mr ... K Smith - 《International Railway Journal》 被引...
Define Junior ministers. Junior ministers synonyms, Junior ministers pronunciation, Junior ministers translation, English dictionary definition of Junior ministers. junior minister. Translations. English: junior minister n sottosegretario di Stato. Itali
Indonesia’s agriculture minister has resigned as the country’s anti-graft commission ramps up an investigation into alleged corruption at his ministry.
India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday developed a series of new high-producing rice species, including herbicide-tolerant(耐除草剂的)rice that can be directly planted into the soil, cutting the huge expenses on water and farm workers. ...
On August 5, 2023, Maliweb reported that the new Minister of Agriculture of Mali, Rasin Danbere, had led a delegation to visit Mali since August 3
Southern India states to face severe drought ・Vietnam's credit grows 1.6 pct in January ・Plenary meeting of 12th NPC deputies from Zhejiang opens to media ・Malaysian PM urges DPRK to immediately release all Malaysians ・Agriculture minister, vice minister meet press ・FLASH: MALAYSIAN ...
Union Agriculture Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan met leaders of farmer groups from Haryana and Chhattisgarh on Tuesday as part of his initiative to engage with cultivators. The discussions included representatives from Haryana’s Naugama Khap Kisan Sangathan (Jind), Satrol Khap Seva Samiti (Hisar),...