Mr Ong Ye Kung: I will ask Senior Minister of State to comment on COMIT and CREST. As for MIC@Home, I agree with you. I think even as a policy of pricing, you want to price it at a gradient so that patients get a strong signal. MIC@Home, I pay less; plus I have S+3M, ho...
In an exclusive interview withThe Straits Timesthat is uploaded live, Health Minister Ong Ye Kung answered a few questions that everyone has been asking in the last few weeks. He said that the goal now is for us to treat COVID-19 as an endemic disease once more people are vaccinated, an...
Thank you Minister @ongyekung #Singapore 🇸🇬and #Hongkong 🇭🇰#AirTravelBubbles 😍😍 😊😊on 22 Nov .
Ong Ye Kung, the education minister and Chan Chun Sing, newly promoted from the prime minister’s office to the Ministry of Trade and Industry. Mr Heng, who has led the education ministry and the Monetary Authority of Singapore, as well as serving as an aide to Mr Lee’s father, is re...