Wakamonotachi: Com Satoshi Tsumabuki, Eita Nagayama, Hikari Mitsushima, Tasuku Emoto. The life of five brothers living in the same house, each of them with his own drama, love and tragedy.
This is an MMORTS game that sees you developing a city and building an army as you make a name for yourself in the cold and unforgiving world of A Song of Ice and Fire. With clashes against other players all over the world, we couldn’t think of a better way to translate the comple...
Having only one product that 'is intended to be plugged into an hdtv' is rather limiting isn't it? Personally I think the atv is awful. I like good value (yes, I understand what it means) media too, and like to be able to use it how I like. I've never bought a...