其它预告片1:Minions vs. Evil Minion 神偷奶爸2其它预告片1:Minions vs. Evil Minion Loaded: 0% Progress: 0% /
How to play Evil Minion? You have to kidnap all the kids in London. Put them in your sack and dodge the adults who will try to rescue them. Controls MOVERTE Y AGACHARTE JUMP a ATAQUE s ATAQUE A DISTANCIA Gameplays Despicable Me 2 Minion Rush Purple Evil Minion vs Starfish Min...
On a side note I'd also kinda like for Elite Specs to get a minion altering trait that provides them new abilities or perhaps just taking the spec gives minions a new cosmetic appearance.For example taking the Reaper spec could change your minion's making them look more demonic and evil.....
在《神偷奶爸2》有一类变种叫小紫人(Evil Minions),是由小黄人被注射PX-41血清所变异的,拥有狂野的发型和大大的牙齿,有着惊人的食量,什么都能吃。小紫人是小黄人的对立面,因为紫色正好是黄色的对立色,所以这些邪恶的小人就被设置成紫色,不过他们做坏事方式看起来也会很有趣。他们还保留了原本小黄人对香蕉...