large_file_uploaded" # 上传后的对象名称 part_size = 5 * 1024 * 1024 # 分片大小(5MB) # 初始化分片上传 upload_id = minio_client.put_object( bucket_name, object_name, file_path, part_size=part_size ).upload_id # 打开文件以读取分片 with open(file_path, "rb") as file_data: file_...
19:08:46 Status: Insecure server, it does not support FTP over TLS. 19:08:46 Status: Logged in 19:08:46 Status: Starting upload of 10gb.tar 19:09:13 Status: File transfer successful, transferred bytes in 26 seconds λ ftp ftp> o 8021 Connected to 127.0.0....
url_prefix=""defupload_large_file(file_path,object_name,part_size=5*1024*1024):# 创建一个multipart上传"{url_prefix}/upload/part/create").json()upload_id=resp['data']# 计算文件分片数 file_size=os.path.getsize(file_path)part_count=int(math.c...
NOTE If this case is urgent, please subscribe to Subnet so that our 24/7 support team may help you faster. Expected Behavior The files to be uploaded successfully Current Behavior File uploads occasionally fail, usually at the CompleteMu...
(client);var uploadRequest=new TransferUtilityUploadRequest{BucketName=LargeBucket,FilePath=UploadLargeFile,Key=System.IO.Path.GetFileName(UploadLargeFile)};uploadRequest.UploadProgressEvent+=UploadRequest_UploadProgressEvent;await fileTransferUtility.UploadAsync(uploadRequest);}catch(FileNotFoundException e){...
这里你可以抛出你自定义的业务异常// throw new FileUploadFailedException(MessageConstant.FILE_UPLOAD_...
这样,我们就可以使用minioclient createmultipartupload命令来创建一个新的多段上传任务。 1. 命令格式 minio client createmultipartupload [arguments...] <bucket> 2. 参数说明 •<bucket>:指定要上传的Bucket名称。 •:指定要上传的对象名称。 3. 示例 假设我们要将一个名为”large_file.txt”的大文件上...
error.S3Error: S3 operation failed; code: RequestTimeTooSkewed, message: The difference between the request time and the server's time is too large., resource: /, request_id: , host_id: 796ffd30-0d6b-461a-9ff3-d1f5312c7e0c CentOS 查看系统时间: timedatectl 设置时区 timedatectl set...
the containerized MinIO server, essentially being a bridge between the frontend and the storage, without saving anything on the backend file system. This streaming technique seemed to work fine and I started making tests as we expect that large files might be uploaded concurrently on our service....