MinIO is a high-performance, S3 compatible object store, open sourced under GNU AGPLv3 license. - FATAL Unable to use the drive /minio_vol: drive not found: Invalid arguments specified · minio/minio@9a39f8a
针对你遇到的错误 error unable to use the drive /data: drive /data: found backend type fs, expected xl or xl-single - to migrate to a supported backend visit invalid arguments specified,我们可以从以下几...
Invalid arguments specified minio 23:49:11.22 INFO ==> Adding local Minio host to 'mc' configuration... minio 23:49:16.29 INFO ==> Adding local Minio host to 'mc' configuration... minio 23:49:21.37 INFO ==> Adding local Minio host to 'mc' configuration... minio 23:49:26.42 INFO ...
一直启动不成功,报错。 ERROR Unable to use the drive /data: Drive /data: found backend type fs, expected xl or xl-single - to migrate to a supported backend visit arguments specified 原因:这是新...
设置policy的时候提示:<ERROR> Incorrect number of arguments for alias set command. Invalid arguments provided, please refer `mc -h` for relevant documentation. 这个应该就是桶写错了,或者minio的服务别名写错!! 附录 不同的规则说明: 1.Set bucket...
今天一位客户说他的wordpress网站有问题,加载非常慢,让ytkah诊断一下,一看前端的sql查询数几百条,停用了一些不用的插件,顺带把数据表也删除。进入phpmyadmin时提示:变量 $cfg['TempDir'] (./tmp/)无法访问。phpMyAdmin无法缓存模板文件,所以会运行缓慢。如下图所示 ...
在用docker安装 ElasticSearch 时,能正常创建容器,返回容器ID,但却无法正常启动,使用浏览器访问 127.0...
ERROR Unable to use the drive /home/dct/data/minio: Drive /home/dct/data/minio: found backend type fs, expected xl or xl-single - to migrate to a supported backend visit Invalid arguments specified ...
import io.minio.errors.InvalidResponseException; import io.minio.errors.ServerException; import io.minio.errors.XmlParserException; import io.minio.http.Method; import io.minio.messages.Bucket; import io.minio.messages.CompleteMultipartUpload; import io.minio.messages.CompleteMultipartUploadOutput; import...
ERROR Unable to use the drive /data: Drive /data: found backend type fs, expected xl or xl-single - to migrate to a supported backend visit Invalid arguments specified ...