Following servers have mismatching configuration [http://alt-minio-tier0-node03/.:9000->http://alt-minio-tier0-node07/.:9000 has incorrect configuration: context deadline exceeded http://alt-minio-tier0-node03/.:9000->http://alt-minio-tier0-node02/.:9000 has incorrect configuration: conte...
As to what I think is happening: I think I'm having a networking/name resolution issue. I think when the cluster starts up, name resolution is incorrect and doesn't settle down until after the pods have all started. Unfortunately, I suspect that Minio has already performed name resolution ...
I'm really puzzled as to why this is failing. Despite attempting to add/data/disk1to the server configuration URL and experimenting with other methods, success has yet to be achieved. All the MinIO instances with/data/disk1in their nodes are functional and accessible upon logging in. However...
ENTITY_TOO_LARGE("EntityTooLarge", "Upload exceeds the maximum allowed object size"), EXPIRED_TOKEN("ExpiredToken", "The provided token has expired"), ILLEGAL_VERSIONING_CONFIGURATION_EXCEPTION("IllegalVersioningConfigurationException", "The versioning configuration specified in the request is invalid."...
While minio has a client and an SDK library as well, we’ll only focus on the server side component for now. Our goals install a fully S3 compatible service start automatically on system startup transport should be protected by a valid SSL certificate (for free) ...
That user has a policy assigned that is described as follows: { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "s3:*" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::my-bucket" ] } ] } Not being an expert, but I interpret the above as the ability to take...
lite.svc.cluster.local:9000 has incorrect configuration: Expected number of endpoints 8, seen 16 https://myminio-pool-0-0.myminio-hl.tenant-lite.svc.cluster.local:9000->https://myminio-pool-0-2.myminio-hl.tenant-lite.svc.cluster.local:9000 has incorrect configuration: Expected number of ...
// 1. A valid value provided as environment variable has higher priority // than the provided configuration and overwrites the value from the // configuration file. // // 2. A value specified as environment variable never changes the configuration // file. So it is never made a persistent...
Installation has been completly successfull, I have riched web ui but neither I could not loginhttp://minio.test.localnorhttp://minio1.test.local:9001and another hosts. I accessed minio client to minio cluster and added alias (mc alias s ev1http://minio1.test.local:9000minioadmin minioad...
Or just that you upgraded one server while the other was not yet upgraded something like that. Assuming that this cluster has been manually recovered, closing this issue. If you have the data that I requested please share with us. completedSep 16, 2021...