python的minio sdk里面有一个stat_object的方法,应该是可以抛出object不存在的异常。 我在谷歌搜索 “minio check object exists",第一个答案就是,不过是java版本的,看了他一下也是用stat_object去判断的。 minio是兼容aws s3的。minio支持的功能应该和aws s3一致,s3能判断,minio应该都能。 ===s3 判断文件是使...
Is there a more idiomatic way to check if an object exists in a bucket then var ( doesNotExist = "The specified key does not exist." ) func objectExists(bucket, name string client *minio.Client) (bool, error) { _, err := client.StatObject(bucket, name, minio.StatObjectOptions{}) ...
defget_partial(self, bucket_name, object_name, start, size): # Gets data from offset to length of an object returnself._s3_client.get_partial_object(bucket_name, object_name, start, size) defobject_exists(self, bucket_name, object_name): """ Check whether the object actually exists "...
bucket_name = "test"try: # Check if bucket exists if not minio_client.bucket_exists(bucket_name): # Create the bucket because it does not exist minio_client.make_bucket(bucket_name) print(f"Bucket '{bucket_name}' created successfully.") else: print(f"Bucket '{buck...
The ability of MinIO to restore a damaged object relates directly to the following: MinIO 修复损坏对象的能力直接与下面相关: total number of drives in the erasure set where the object exists 01.对象所在擦除集总的磁盘数。 number of drives available with intact parts of the object 02.对象未受损...
@Testpublicvoiddownload()throwsIOException, InvalidKeyException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, InsufficientDataException, InternalException, NoResponseException, InvalidBucketNameException, XmlPullParserException, ErrorResponseException, InvalidArgumentException, InvalidResponseException {//Check whether the object exists usin...
*/publicvoiduploadFile(InputStreaminputStream,Stringuri,StringoriginalFileName){// 上传try{//不存在则新建bucketif(!this.checkBucketExists()){this.minioClient.makeBucket(MakeBucketArgs.builder().bucket(;}PutObjectArgsobjectArgs=PutObjectArgs.builder().bucket(th...
=nil{// Check to see if we already own this bucket (which happens if you run this twice)exists,
Object:存储到 Minio 的基本对象,如文件、字节流,Anything... Bucket:用来存储 Object 的逻辑空间。每个 Bucket 之间的数据是相互隔离的。对于客户端而言,就相当于一个存放文件的顶层文件夹。 Drive:即存储数据的磁盘,在 MinIO 启动时,以参数的方式传入。Minio 中所有的对象数据都会存储在 Drive 里。
} private void ButtonUpload_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var open = new OpenFileDialog { CheckFileExists = true, CheckPathExists = true, }; if (open.ShowDialog(this) == false) { return; } ViewModelLocator.Instance.FileUploadViewModel.FileName = open.SafeFileName; try ...