针对你提出的问题“minio api responded with message=bucket name cannot have upper case characte”,以下是详细的解答: 1. 确认MinIO API的响应信息 MinIO API的响应信息明确指出了一个问题:桶名(bucket name)不能包含大写字符。这是一个关于命名规范的错误信息。 2. 解析错误信息 错误信息为:"bucket name cann...
accessKey:"Q3AM3UQ867SPQQA43P2F", secretKey:"zuf+tfteSlswRu7BJ86wekitnifILbZam1KYY3TG" ).WithSSL(); 解决方法:把url的前缀http://去掉即可 2、报错MinIO API responded with message=Connection error: The SSL connection could not be established, see inner exception. The handshake failed due to...
1、连接客户端时报错:MinIO API responded with message=No path allowed in endpoint MinioClientminioClient=newMinioClient("http:XXXX:9000",accessKey:"Q3AM3UQ867SPQQA43P2F",secretKey:"zuf+tfteSlswRu7BJ86wekitnifILbZam1KYY3TG").WithSSL(); 1. 2. 3. 4. 解决方法:把url的前缀http://去掉即可 ...
Version 4.0.6 gets "MinIO API responded with message=Connection error:Object reference not set to an instance of an object"See original GitHub issue When doing a upgrade from 4.0.5 to 4.06 we experienced odd behavior when using Minio client BucketExistsAsync (and any...
MINIO_ROOT_USER: 账户 MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD: TZ: Asia/Shanghai // 增加 1. 2. 3. 4. 结果发现出现新的问题了 MinIO API responded with message=Access denied on the resource: idcard/ 1. idcard 是我们创建的 桶名, 现在我们的桶名都访问不能了,这不对啊,于是使用postman 测试了...
MinioClient client = new MinioClient(http://""); MinIO API responded with message=No path allowed in endpoint 把url的前缀http://去掉就可以啦 如下: MinioClient client = new …
Hi, I'm trying to connect to remote minio using .net core sdk and got "http://my-ip-address:9000/: No path allowed in endpoint.: Minio.Exceptions.InvalidEndpointException: Minio API responded with message=No path allowed in endpoint." It...
I tried to use package 3.1.11 and DotNet Core 3.1. BucketExistsAsync throw exception Minio.Exceptions.ErrorResponse with message "MinIO API responded with message=The specified bucket does not exist", if bucket doesn't exist. If bucket e...
在Minio中,可以通过使用访问日志来跟踪文件的使用情况。访问日志记录了对存储桶中对象的访问操作,包括读取、写入、删除等操作。 Minio是一个开源的对象存储服务器,它兼容Amazon S3 API,可以在本地部署,提供高性能、高可用性的对象存储服务。以下是关于在Minio中跟踪文件使用情况的详细信息: 概念:在Minio中,跟踪文件使用...
I have to setWithCredentialsotherwise I get an exception:MinIO API responded with message=User Access Credentials not initialized. Is there still a way to have anonymous access with this package ? 👀1peymanebrahimi reacted with eyes emoji ...