About the journal Incorporated intoEngineering Geology; Articles Research articleAbstract only Brittleness and micro-scale rock cutting efficiency R.M. Göktan December 1991 Research articleAbstract only Theoretical and practical aspects of circumferential pick spacing on boom tunnelling machine cutting heads...
International Journal of Mining Science and Technology杂志为CSCD期刊, 现被 CSCD 中国科学引文数据库来源期刊(含扩展版)、统计源期刊(中国科技论文优秀期刊)、知网收录(中)、维普收录(中)、万方收录(中)、EI 工程索引(美)、CA 化学文摘(美)、Pж(AJ) 文摘杂志(俄)、国家图书馆馆藏、上海图书馆馆藏、等收录...
International Journal of Mining Science and Technologyis a monthly English-language journal. It was founded in 1990 and was originally theJournal of China University of Mining and Technology. This journal publishes original and innovative research papers and high-quality reviews covering the … ...
International Journal of Mining Science and Technology杂志级别为CSCD期刊, 目前刊期为双月刊。 International Journal of Mining Science and Technology杂志简介信息 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》杂志,出版地:江苏,于1990年正式创刊,本刊重视学术导向,坚持科学性、学术性、先进性、创新性,...
International Journal of Mining Science and Technologyis a monthly English-language journal. It was founded in 1990 and was originally theJournal of China University of Mining and Technology. This journal publishes original and innovative research papers and high-quality reviews covering the … ...
International Journal of Mining Science and Technology,创刊于1990年,中国矿业大学主办,简称IJMST。聚焦于矿业科学和技术领域及交叉学科相关,理论研究、创新方法和应用进展等。 该刊已陆续被SCIE、Ei Compendex、Scopus等检索收录,在同领域国产EI期刊中,含金量相当不错。2022年度中科院分区,IJMST从大类学科工程技术2区...
International Journal of Mining Science and Technologyis a monthly English-language journal. It was founded in 1990 and was originally theJournal of China University of Mining and Technology. This journal publishes original and innovative research papers and high-quality reviews covering the … ...
International Journal of Mining Science and Technology welcomes article submissions dealing with: Mining Engineering; Safety Technology and Engineering; Mineral Processing; Coalfield Geology; Geotechnical Engineering Join the conversation about this journal Quartiles ...
《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》是由教育部主管,中国矿业大学主办的学术期刊。 作为我国惟一一所矿业全国重点高校的英文学报,自1990年创刊以来,始终围绕我校及国内外原创性成果,特别是矿业学科领域的重大科研成果进行报道,在国内外矿业科学技术领域具有一定影响。