The mining and minerals industry has made major advances towards sustainability but the sector faces new challenges as governments in the global South reassert control over their natural resources yet lack the capacity to ensure mining can contribute to sustainable development. These are among the findi...
Breaking new ground: Mining, minerals and sustainable development (MMSD). Recuperado el 13 de mayo de 2014, de International Institute for Environment and Development and World Business Council for Sustainable Development:
Mining Minerals and Sustainable Development Final Notes from the Strategic Planning WorkshopMinerals, Mining
4.SOUTH AFRICAN MINERALS INPUTS CLUSTER--A SOLUTION FOR CONTINUOUS DEVELOPMEN IN MINING;南非矿业供应集群——矿业可持续发展解决方案 5.Enhancing Conception of"Green Mining" and Realizing Sustainable Development of Mining;增强“绿色矿业”理念 实现矿业可持续发展 6.Reasonable Exploration and Exploitation of ...
Mining,Mineralsand SustainableDevelopment No.110November2001 MiningIndustryand SustainableDevelopmentin Kyrgyzstan ValentinBogdetsky(editor), VitaliyStavinskiy, EmilShukurovandMuratSuyunbaev ThisreportwascommissionedbytheMMSDprojectofIIED.Itremainsthesole
The present report discusses how the mining and minerals industries can adapt to the challenges and opportunities posed by trends and drivers in global energy use. As a result of the demands of their production processes and their products, these industries have an important role in managing ...
This was presented as the 'Mining, Minerals and Sustainable Development' (MMSD) framework at the Johannesburg Earth Summit in 2002. There are a number of fundamental issues and concerns with assessing the sustainability of mining. Firstly, long-term trends show that ore grades for almost all ...
Developing a framework for sustainable development indicators for the mining and minerals industry. J Clean Prod 2004;12(6):639-62.Azapagic, A. (2004). Developing a Framework for Sustainable Development Indicators for the Mining and Minerals Industry. journal of Clean Production, I2, 639-662....
The advantage to this approach is that it is systematic but flexible and includes aspects of the life cycle that are unique to industrial minerals.J. E. KogelN. TrivediM. HerpferSME annual meeting & exhibit and CMA's 111th national western mining conference 2009, vol. 2: SME (Society ...
to the Draft Report of Minerals , Mining and Sustainable Development ( MMSD ) Inc .Copper, FreeportmcmoranInitiative, Global MiningComments, GeneralMmsd, TheComments, SpecificRights, HumanDeclaration, UniversalDepartments, Community Relations