Learn about the Mining profession, how to train it, and the variety of potions and consumables you can create with it in WotLK Classic.
This zone will probably be overcrowded when WOTLK first comes out so I’ve included a lot of different areas on this map you can farm. If you could get one of the Pillar’s to yourself, you could farm / kill mobs for exp while working mining up. Otherwise, you can see that the ...
Classic Mining Guide Rating: This Vanilla WoW Mining guide can help you from 1 to 300 Mining. With a little patience, you should be level 300 before you know it! Mining 1 to 300 What you’re going to need Mining skill (obviously). Go see your local mining trainer to get trained. ...
Classic Mining Guide Rating: This Vanilla WoW Mining guide can help you from 1 to 300 Mining. With a little patience, you should be level 300 before you know it! Mining 1 to 300 What you’re going to need Mining skill(obviously). Go see your local mining trainer to get trained. Once...