Ousmane Mbaye President of the Chamber of Mines, Senegal Pierre-Samuel Guedj CEO, Affectio Mutandi Souleyman Eli Guihinimi Director of Mining Cadastre Secretariat General, Ministry of Mines and Geology, Chad Prof. Abdellah MOUTTAQI Affiliated Professor at Mohammed VI Polytechnic University and ...
Exploration in South Africa in recent years has been held back by factors such as the lack of a functional online cadastre, concerns about reliability of power supply and perceptions of "state capture" as detailed in the judicial commission's Zondo report into corruption during the presidency of...
It is not clear which institutionsand individuals, besides the national mining cadastre office (Direction Généraledu Cadastre Minier, DGCM), had been involved in and responsible for conces-sion granting in the early 2000s (see Chapter 5). Yet, according to estimates,76Chouli,Social Movements ...