Although legally fine, this strategy often causes you to accidentally increase your spending every year and decrease your savings. Don’t let the IRS rules about IRA withdrawals tempt you into spending money you had planned to save. RMD Mistake: Taking Out Too Much Just Because ...
my wife will turn 70-1/2 triggering mandatory IRA withdrawals. Could we arrange the RMD 70-1/2 obligation to transfer from the IRA to an immediate annuity purchase? frank . 2015-05-06 11:19:29 I rolled over my IRA into an IRA annuity 2 years ago at age 66. I have a 401k also....
Further, recent changes from SECURE Act 2.0 allow a one-time QCD to a charitable gift annuity (up to a lifetime limit of $53,000 per individual in 2024), combining support to a favorite charity and a predictable stream of income. Automatic withdrawals. You may be able to set automatic ...