protein requirement, optimal nutrition, nutrition information, community health, misinformation, community service, nutrient requirements, Recommended Dietary Allowances, dietary protein, Dietary GuidelinesLearning Objectives: After reading this article, the participant should be able to state the current RDA...
For the entire duration of the 6 studies, subjects also consumed a daily supplement of vitamin B complex with vitamin C (Replavite; Landmark Medical Systems Inc, Unionville, Canada) that provided 1.0 mg folic acid, 10 mg vitamin B-6, and 6 μg vitamin B-12 along with other water-...
英语翻译Take one tablet twice daily.Do not exceed recommended daily intake.Best when taken in the morning upon awakening and prior to bedtime.For best results,this product should be taken for a minimum of 3 to 4 months.
air intake systemResponse surface methods are used to construct explicit approximations of objective and constraint functions in optimization problems. Serving as interface between analysis code and optimization algorithm, the function approximations provide a fast but approximate evaluation of response ...
Zello GA, Menendez CE, Rafii M, Clarke R, Wykes LJ, Ball RO, Pencharz PB 2003 Minimum protein intake for the preterm neonate determined by protein and amino acid kinetics. Pediatr Res 53:338 -344Zello GA, Menendez CE, Rafii M, Clarke R, Wykes LJ, Ball RO, Pencharz PB. Minimum ...
Dufour, D.L. and N.I. Teufel. 1995. Minimum data sets for the description of diet and measurement of food intake and nutritional status. In: The study of agrarian systems: standardizing measurements and minimum data sets (ed. Moran, E.F.). Boulder, CO: Lynne ...
Accuracy of minimum data set in identifying residents at risk for undernutrition: oral intake and food complaints. J Am Med Dir Assoc 3:140-5.Simmons SF, Lim B, Schnelle JF: Accuracy of minimum data set in identifying residents at risk for undernutrition: oral intake and food complaints. J...
METHOD AND DEVICE FOR DETERMINING OPERABLE MINIMUM INTAKE PIPE PRESSURE OF INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINEPROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a method and a device for appropriately determining the operable minimum intake pipe pressure of an internal combustion engine....
DE10357741A1 2003年12月10日 2004年7月15日 Hitachi Unisia Automotive, Ltd., Atsugi Adjustable-valve control apparatus for internal combustion engine, limits amount of target lifts of air-intake valve to minimum limit value, if combustion fluctuation of engine is more when target lift amount is ...
Methods to assess relative reliability of diet records: minimum records for monitoring lipid and caloric intake. J Am Diet Assoc 1986; 86:1531-5.Jackson B, Dujovne CA, DeCoursey S, Beyer P, Brown EF, Hassanein K. Methods to assess relative reliability of diet records: Minimum records for ...