该数据的历史最高值出现于11-01-2024,达23.150新西兰元,而历史最低值则出现于02-01-2000,为7.000新西兰元。CEIC提供的最低工资标准:每小时:成人数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Employment New Zealand,数据归类于全球数据库的新西兰 – Table NZ.G068: Minimum Wage Rate。
202464,950.0 202356,290.0$365.1 202238,970.0$254.0 202130,333.3$201.2 202030,333.3$213.0 201930,333.3$227.5 201830,333.3$235.4 201726,866.7$210.0 201626,866.7$214.8 201524,266.7$207.5 201424,266.7$218.7 201321,666.7$215.8 201219,500.0$219.7
The government periodically assesses the federal minimum wage level with changes ininflationor thecost of livingand the ratehas not increasedsince July 2009. The Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2007 ordered the minimum wage to be raised from $5.15 in three increments. It rose to $5.85, $6.55, and ...
The minimum wage rate in Ontario is below the living wage in every part of the province, even after the October 2022 increase. Theliving wageis defined asthe actual hourly wage rateor salary required to meet the costs of living in a particular area or community. It takes into account the ...
The rate for 2022 along the ‘Northern Border Zone’ was raised to $260.34 pesos per work day, a rise of 23% on the 2021 rate of $213.39. In years past the minimum wage had been raised more-or-less in line with inflation, to avoid a wave of wage demands that could cause a ...
Hourly Minimum Wage for Arizona and neighboring states in 2025 View table LocationMinimum Wage$7.25$14.70$12.00$7.25$12.00FederalAZNMUTNV$0.00$5.00$10.00$15.00$20.00 Employers: Reduce labor cost Arizona minimum wage rate is $14.70 per hour in 2025. Workers receive a higher minimum wage in ...
President Biden has signed anexecutive orderrequiring federal contractors to pay their workers a minimum wage of at least $15 per hour by January 30, 2022. Employees who work for the types of for-profit or non-profit organizations listed below are generally eligible for the minimum wage. ...
The previous minimum wage hike in 2022 was only a5.02 percent increase. Minister of Labour Phipat Ratchakitprakarn has instead stated that the wage increase would be determined by skill and increased according to the inflation rate. Has also said that the wage increases will vary by province as...
Minister for Economy Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum has announced they will increase the minimum wage to $4 an hour in four stages from its current level of $2.68. While announcing the Revised Budget, Sayed-Khaiyum says from 1st April, 2022 the minimum wage will be starting from $3.01. ...
Business groups had originally wanted a freeze on the minimum wage citing difficulties faced by employers due to pandemic measures. They eventually proposed to raise the rate by 1.5% to 8,850 won (US$7.7). On the other hand, labour groups had originally wanted to raise the rate to 10,800...